The Religion of Human Sacrifice – Good to Go in Texas.

On March 19th Gov. Gregg Abbott (corrected to add: suspended the Texas Open Meetings act) and declared a ban on meetings of over 50 persons state wide. He then noted in a TV interview that it didn’t include religious bodies because he wanted to protect their religious freedom.

This is a completely bogus reading of the meaning of religious freedom. We do not offer religious freedom to people who practice human sacrifice. And letting religious groups hold large gatherings that create vectors for the spread of the corona virus will be followed inevitably by an increased numbers of deaths, an overstressed hospital system, and then even more deaths. It is apparently Gov. Abbott’s affirmation of human sacrifice as a legitimate religious option in the State of Texas.

I note as well that this effectively allows religious groups to continue to hold open meetings to promulgate and organize their political agenda while preventing all others from doing so. It is yet another attack on political freedom of all except Abbott’s religious allies.

Finally, I note that in the interview Gov. Abbott referred only to churches, not to mosques, temples, synagogues, gurdwaras, and other religious groups. Apparently religious freedom in Gov. Abbott’s world is religious freedom for Christians only. Or maybe he just doesn’t realize how religiously diverse his state really is.

Religious people need to reject this immoral, inhuman, unconstitutional, and anti-Christian understanding of religious freedom. We need to stand for the freedom of our fellow humans to live, and to live in safety. That is the single overriding freedom of a nation that claims to live “under God.”