Interfaith Encounters

Every person, culture, and society has something valuable to offer to others.

Fostering Interfaith Understanding

Interfaith Encounters explores the unique contributions of different religions to our understanding of contemporary events and people.

Join us by following to our podcast, reading our blog, and viewing our videos.




Recent Blogs

Israelis and Palestinians – A Conflict Misunderstood

– May 20, 2021 There is no modern solution to a non-modern conflict.  What is called modern world, or modernity, is an understanding of the...
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You Can’t Always Have What You Want

 -June 25, 2021 Conflict over control of the public space to promote one form of identity over another is as old as our Republic....
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The Taliban aren’t Fundamentalists.

– September 07, 2021 Are the Taliban Fundamentalists?  Is the Texas anti-abortion law like Shari’a?  Well people seem to be saying so, but they are...
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About Dr. Hunt

“The focus of my professional life, as a teacher and pastor, has been interpretation: helping people understand one another, their history, different cultures and religions, and themselves. I believe that every person, culture, and society has something valuable to offer to others, and that we discover this through critical and appreciative study, open dialogue, and a willingness to learn.”

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Media and Resources

  1. Podcast
    Interfaith Encounters: Consequential conversations with leaders from different faith traditions about the ways their communities are responding to the challenges of contemporary society.
    Take A Listen
  2. Blog
    As I Christian I’m obliged to love my neighbor, and that means telling the truth about my neighbor. This blog is dedicated to exploring the tough questions that arise in our multi-religious world, and finding the real answers.
    Read My Blog
  3. Publications
    If you are interested in more material on faith traditions and interfaith communications, please take a look at my other publications.
    View My Work
  4. Videos
    Looking for a quick introduction to major issues in Islam, or a visual introduction from the interesting margins of religion? Check out these videos.
    View My Videos



Do you have an idea we should explore at Interfaith Encounters? A speaker we should invite? Let us know! Dr. Hunt is available for speaking, teaching, and seminars as well.

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